提示信息:A connection with the server could not be established
通常原因:不能建立与服务器的连接。WWW浏览器无法与指定的服务器建立连接,其原因有两种可能:若信息中只出现这一句提示,其原因是用户在浏览器中填入URL地址前没有正确运行拨号联网程序;若该句提示信息前还有其他提示信息,通常为:Internet Explorer Cannot Open The Internet Site 方法://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,其原因是用户在连接某服务器之前未上网,或连接被中途中断;或在URL地址中给出了正确的方法(如ftp,http等),但指定了错误的计算机名,或者说该计算机不支持该方法。如用户给出的URL: http://public.cta.cq.cn中,主机public.cta.cq.cn是一台邮件服务器,而不是一台WWW服务器。
提示信息:The computer is not receiving a responce from the modem. Check that the modeim is plugged in,and if necessary,turn the modem off,and then turn it back on.
提示信息:The Microsoft Dial-Up Adapter is not installed or not responding properly.In the Network section of control panel,remove the driver and then add it again.
提示信息:The modem is being used by another Dial-Up Networking connection or another program. Disconnect the other connection or close the program,and then try again.
提示信息:There has been an error transferring your mail. I said: PASS and then the POP server (username@hostname) said: ERR Password failed for xxxxxx.通常原因:传递邮件过程出错:POP3服务器检查口令时返回:用户xxxxxx口令有误。使用Eudora邮件程序,检查邮箱时你输入的口令出现错误。
提示信息:There is no dialtone. Make sure your modem is connected to the phone line properly.